Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Rained Out

Catherine and I went to the beach for the first time in almost a year and of course it started sprinkling the moment we got to the lake front! I just laid my towel down and enjoyed the beach for 10 minutes anyway. The water felt great! I hope to give it another try today! (It's past 1 am. If I want to go swimming, I'd better get some shut eye!)


seedoi said...

Nice! Too bad about the rain, but I don't believe you wore an bikini to the beach :-D

Amada Rosas said...

Awww, but nice work! Captured the gloominess of a rainy day at the beach.

Sarah Satrun said...

Yeah, I didn't think I'd ever expose that much flesh on the beach either. But last year I saw the cutest swimsuit with an oriental inspired pattern. Then I realized I'm only young once, so why not?! :D

Robolly said...

Excellent pic!


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