Friday, April 26, 2013

We are all Wonder Women!

Here's our #1 seller at the convention- a parody/smash-up between Wonder Woman and that Dove ad. I have had this idea for a while, and Catherine and I collaborated together to quickly get this done just in time for C2E2. Buy this while it's hot, because it's going to sell out again! (We didn't print very many because it's our first time.) We sold out today, but have a fresh supply for tomorrow. (Also the Super Kiss print will sell out again tomorrow.) It's been an amazing day, and we still have two days left. I'm practically speechless for how well people responded, especially because it's the first time we're selling our art to the public. Now I need to get back to cutting the Super Kiss prints and hope to get sleep! (Been sleep deprived for a long time and can't wait to catch up on sleep next week!) Thanks for all the support!

*update 4/27/13: Wow. I mean, WOW. Thank you everyone for all your endless support. I can't believe how fast this went viral since posting it last night. (257 shares and counting!!! I was confused when people throughout the day were telling us they saw this piece online.) We just did this piece early this week, kept it secret, let alone a few friends, and the moment I posted it on our facebook page, it went off like crazy. 

*update: 4/29/13: I still didn't understand until Sunday night just how viral this went. I'm even more speechless than before. wow. Thanks!


We had been asked about doing something similar for children. You can see the post with a series of three here:

Thanks again for all the support!



Julia said...

I really want to buy a print of this. Do you sell them online?

Sarah Satrun said...

Thanks! Yes, we are getting several requests to mail them out. Please email us at It's 11x17 inches. If you would prefer an 8x10, please let us know. Email us and we'll get the costs to you. It'll take a few days just to organize things and start mailing them out. ;) We'll eventually have an online store once we figure this all out. We weren't prepared for this level of success!!

Melissa said...
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Melissa said...

I'm really interesting in buying more than one, possibly five! My email addy is: info at melissachapin dot com. I have added your image to my Pinterest board for awesome disabled women with full credit to yourselves. Can I ask Catherine's last name, please? :)

Melissa said...

Just realised that Catherine is your twin sister, with the same last name. I have pink and blue twins, aged 8! I think Pinky is really going to want to write to you! :)

Sarah Satrun said...

Oh cute! Thanks so much! That means a lot! We're getting overwhelmed right now and need to organize all our order requests. I think it'll take two weeks to replenish our stock and mail everything out. I'm writing your email down, but PLEASE email us at if you haven't received an email by the end of the week. Thanks for your patience! This is all new to us. ;)

Darcy said...

I keep a running blog called Chunky Wonder Woman (, and this is what I've been trying to say FOREVER! Thank you!

Sarah Satrun said...

Cool!!!! This piece was a take off of the Dove ad, but also HEAVILY inspired by our friends, one of which keeps talking about wanting to see more "chunky" Wonder Women. lol. I'm going to email her your blog.

As far as getting prints, we're using a local woman printer to support her business. She did most of our other prints. We're waiting on a quote and time frame from her. We'll try to get to emails tonight.

Anonymous said...

OMG - I MUST HAVE - how much is the 11 x 17 and the 8 X 10? :)

Sarah Satrun said...

We sold out and are getting the quote and time frame for reprints. Once we have that, and know shipping and handling, then we can set the online price. Please email us at Thanks! :)

Jac V. said...

I LOVE THIS!! Interested in a print as well..

Anonymous said...

I love Wonder Women and this would fit perfectly in my collect of 2 that I have. :) Beautiful work. I sent an email. Many more successes to you.

Susie Kline said...

I'd love pricing information when it comes available again! susiekline at ameritech dot net

Timothy S. Brannan said...

It is very, very awesome!

I linked you from Amazon Princess,

Anonymous said...

Lovely! Glad they are doing well because it is wonderful!

glor said...

If it helps with supply amounts, I would like to buy an 11x17 at some point in the near future, but it won't be until the middle-end of May.

This is incredible... and I'm hanging it on my wall. Oh yes!

Sarah Satrun said...

Now that more people want prints, we're looking into the fair use law more carefully to double check that this is OK to sell online. It should be fine, or we might have to tweak something on it before selling. It's too popular, so we want to play by the rules. Please stand by! Thanks! :)

Jenn said...

I want one! How do I get it. I would really love for my daughter to wake up to this on her wall every day <3

Anonymous said...

love this!!! thank you for sharing it. How much are the prints?!?

Anonymous said...

Can I use the digital image for my business Facebook page banner?
Thanks! Sue Markovitch

Jacey of Altairi said...

This is amazing!! Great job guys! We would love to be able to use it in our Lupus Support Private FB group page if possible.

Also, are you by any chance going to make shirts/products? We would LOVE to wear these shirts! We do a Lupus Walk every year and we are called the Wonder Walkers and have been looking for the perfect shirt to wear to represent us and you pretty much drew our team! Please please please tell me you are going to merchandise! :)

Sarah Satrun said...

Thanks for asking. Yes, of course you can post it on your Lupus Support page. We created it to inspire people, and are very happy to see it touching so many women. As far as selling goes, we're still seeking some answers. Thanks for your patience. Can you please send us an email so we can stay in contact?

Kathy Pfeiffer said...

I'm a personal color and style educator who promotes authentic beauty and positive body image to young women and I LOVE this image. Usually I want to alter colors and silhouettes to suit the individual woman,but you guys did a great job with their clothing! And it's too CELEBRATORY for me to want to adjust anything else. I'll be linking to this image in a blog post later today. Hope you get lots of sales! Well done! and THANK YOU.

Kathy Pfeiffer said...

This is the post - again - THANK YOU for making our differences awesome!

Luce said...

Love, Love your WW art! Put me in line to buy a print. Will you be at SD Comic Con?

Sarah Satrun said...

Great article! Very empowering!

No, we won't be at San Diego Comic Con. We haven't been able to afford to attend in several years and the crowds have gotten extremely crazy.

Ca Dozo said...

I really love the picture and the idea that it's expressing.

If you do a second version, it would be cool if you included some gray-haired women of various ethnicities and styles so us invisible older ladies would be represented too.

Sarah Satrun said...

Yes, that's a great point! I thought about it after it went viral. This was made in one evening for my friends and had no intention of going viral. There are soooo many more possibilities!!!

Jacey of Altairi said...

thanks so much! We are all really excited for you to make shirts lol. My email is jennifer.taglione at gmailair d

TREEste said...

Would love to buy a print. Please let me know when they are available. thanks!

Catherine Satrun said...

Thanks! We’re catching up on some back orders from the convention right now. Because we’re using a small local company for printing, ordering packaging supplies online, and figuring out how to mail everyone’s orders out, it’s going to take a while to get stocked back up. We’re also working long hours with our freelance work, so I hope everyone is patient with us! I just signed up for Etsy, so it looks like we’ll start putting prints up when we have them available. We are very overlwelmed with the response this has gotten. We had no idea it was going so viral until last Sunday night after we got home from C2E2!

Randy Blackford said...

Wonderful piece of art! I'm posting it to my pinterest board on "Diversity & Social Justice." I try to find original links for my pins, and this one was difficult! I saw the image on facebook, but after searching for a while - you are actually at the bottom of page 5 on google image search! Sarah! And yes, I'd like a copy - so I'll email you - which I posted on my pin.

Sarah Satrun said...

Thanks Randy! Yes, it's been making it's rounds like crazy, which was is still mind blowing to us. Catherine, my twin, and I collaborated on this.

MathMercy said...

Love, love, love this! I will be thrilled to purchase a print once you get all the details worked out. In the meantime, may I use it as my Facebook cover pic?

Sarah Satrun said...

Yes, please do! :)

Thanks for everyone's patience while we get everything worked out and ordered! :D

Renee said...

THIS is what I want on my daughter's wall!!!! Please contact me when I can order these! I'd like to purchase 2 8x10's.

Sarah Satrun said...

It's online!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sarah! Great art. I'm using it as the feature graphic for this post Thanks for sharing it!

Del S said...

I love this... Just saw it circulating on FB... Thanks for having representation of "all kinds" of beautiful Wonder Women

Debby Tucker said...

Sarah and Catherine,
Is it possible to create a link to where you have the poster and ordering information? I really like it and would like to put it up on our website, possibly on this page:
Please email me to let me know what you think. Debby at

Sarah Satrun said...

Yes, thanks! We're selling them at I'll post the link on this post.

Marcela Werkema said...

I hate when I see people using other's drawing, not crediting, as it was their own. At least they are not selling it.

Sarah Satrun said...

Marcela, unfortunately it's reposted everywhere without credit. We originally posted it without our website on it because we never had art shared before this. Lesson learned. ;) The message it more important than who created it.

ICS said...

It's a simply wonderful,brilliant work,congrats!! I would like to ask you (both)for permission to use your image,including authorship and credit, of course,in one educative project that I'm making,just in order to concienciate students about the resilience, and the idea of struggle against the obstacles through life due to race,different abilities,ecc. If possible,please,write me to

I've seen that the image has been stolen thousand of times,and I would not do it...Thanks in advance.

saara said...

Can I use this picture as a coverphoto for body positivity facebook group?

Sarah Satrun said...

Thanks for asking. Yes, please use it, but just link back to our FB page:

Lauren R. said...

Hi! I love this print so much! I am hoping to use it as a cover photo for an article I am writing about women's education and empowerment for my school. I will cite you and your sister and post the article here for you to read when it is published if you'd allow me! Thank you so much!

Sarah Satrun said...

Thanks for asking! Is it a blog or in print? If it's online, please just credit us. If it's in print, please email me. Thanks!

SwagHER Fitness said...

Good morning Sarah Saturn! I am self publishing a body image book for every body,shape,size, color, and ability with a group of co-authors. Our topics range from eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia, PCOS, depression, anxiety, sizeism, disabilities, self esteem, colorism, body positive wellness, and related topics. We'd love to use your image for our cover art and know that together with the stories will have an immense impact for healing those who struggle. I am a body image and fitness coach. And I am finding this book project by faith and a heart full of passion for inspiring people. Thanks for your consideration and I'd love to talk with you. My email address is and my phone number is 405-473-1566

Unknown said...

Very useful information about online poster printing.
Online Poster Printing

Unknown said...

I absolutely love your "we are all wonderwomen" poster and have used it in feminist training I have done on intersectional feminism, and made it into a placard for the women's rally, everyone loved it! (My daughter made "fight like a girl" with Frida Kahlo). I have recently become excited to learn about "matricentric feminism" which encompasses a feminist approach to mothering as well as aknowledging women's feminist needs as mothers. I now realise so much of what I do in feminism is around me being a feminist mum- both for myself and my daughter. There are so many barriers and challenges for me in my daily life as a single mum, and realise I never see images of mum in intersectional feminsims. Have you ever thought of adding a child on the back of one of these wonder women to show our diversity even further? Just an idea I would treasure to see and spread far and wide!!

You are amazing and your images are having a huge impact on women and girls around the globe, that you thank you for these.... happy to send photos of your poster in demos too if you like!

Unknown said...

can I use the image in a book I am doing? I gather form the comments above I can just reference the website? Do you give permission?


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