Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Comic-Con- part 2

Look who we meet within the first hour of being at Comic-Con opening night!!!

So, within our first hour of being at Comic-Con, we met Craig McCracken and his wife, Lauren Faust. Craig McCracken created 2 of our fav. shows, the Power Puff Girls and Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends. He also worked on Dexter's Lab. Lauren Faust has worked on Cats Don't Dance, The Iron Giant, Power Puff Girls, and Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends. Most recently, she's been involved with her own creation, Milky Way and the Galaxy Girls. (here's her blog- The Solar Sisterhood) That was DEFINATLY the highlight of our trip!
Oh, my gosh! When we got off the bus from the island to San Diego, we didn’t know where we were or how to get to the convention center. Right away we saw a group of teenage boys standing there and knew they were going to the con. So, we walked up to them and asked if they were on their way there- the oldest said yes and the 2 younger Mexican teens said yes and that they didn’t speak English too well. The oldest, told us to follow him- He and the other two boys jumped on the trolley, so we did too- didn’t have much of a choice, being lost and all…. Well, as soon as we got on, we went to pull out our money, like we would for the bus. The doors closed behind us and we realized we were supposed to buy a ticket inside the station. He said it was fine as long as the cops didn’t come around. So, we’re sitting there chatting with him and silently freaking out that we didn’t have tickets. The trolley made a few stops and at many we kept seeing the police lingering outside. But, we couldn’t get off because then we’d be really, really lost! Here it was, within the first few hours of being in California, and we were freaking out about getting into trouble with the police! (That’s probably the worst thing we had ever done!) Fortunately, our stop came and he lead us to the convention center. We parted our ways only to keep on running into him throughout the con. Whew…weird!
As usual, for more pics, please visit Catherine's blog! ^.^


Patach said...

You got to meet Craig and Lauren?! Why does everybody that goes to LA get to meet those two except for me? I hope it's not how I smell.

How were they?

Sarah Satrun said...

awww...i'm sure you'll get to meet them someday.

they were really nice! We hope to meet them again one day! That really made the crappy bed and breakfast worth it! ^.^

Unknown said...

lol. That makes it an adventure!

love the sketch of the sketchy guys.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like fun! I came here from Lauren's blog - Craig and Lauren are my brother and sister-in-law, and I gotta tell you, that drawing is perfect!

Sarah Satrun said...

lol. thanks! that means a lot to me! thanks for dropping by! ^.^

Anonymous said...
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