Sunday, August 12, 2007

Look! It's Mike Kunkel!

Wow! Look who we found at Wizard World:

That was sooooo cool and unexpected!!! (Thanks Bob for telling us he was there! and thanks for that great sketch too!) He's the creative genius behind Herobear and the Kid.

We bought the only cheap drawing of his.
We also bought the last stuffed Hero Bear! (sorry kids!) ^.^
Oh, also at Wizard World, we bought a sketchbook of Subway Sketches. It's really cool! And it was nice to see Stephen Silver there too!


Amada Rosas said...

Love that comic book! That's a cute bear. I wish I could of gone. ^.^

Andry "Shango" Rajoelina said...

No waaaaay! I really have to bought this cute little (Hero)bear! (i know, i sound like a girl but i don't care!) unfortunately i don't think i'll be able to find it here in France.. anyway.. nice sketches and illustrations!

Unknown said...

No waay. Herobear is SOOOoooo cool. He reminds me of the bear.


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