Thursday, August 02, 2007

Comic-Con- part 3

Wednesday, July 25th-
On the opening night, we also meet Stephen Silver! Wow! That was soo cool!

Thursday, July 26th-
We had more surprises Thursday- We were walking and suddenly saw Chris Sanders at his own booth! And there was little to no crowd around him! So we went right to him and bought his sketchbook and talked- We told him it was our first time in CA and I asked if we can get a pic. of him, but his friend told us we had to get in the photo too. By then a crowd was gathering and his friend took the photo for us! yay! That really made our day!
Last Thursday was fun! We started seeing more people wearing costumes. Catherine and I were walking down the stairs and saw Superman walking right in front of us. When we got down stairs, I told him I liked his costume and asked if I could get a photo of him. So we did but then his friend insisted we get in the pic. too. Heehee, we're such geeks!

Stan Lee was on a panel for a new documentary about him. They showed clips from it. (We also found out right away how full of himself Stan is. But he made fun of himself for it) Paul Levitz, the president of DC Comics was there too. So was Tom DeSanto, producer of X-Men and Transformers, Dick Ayers, an old Marvel artist, andMichael Uslan, executive producer of Batman, The Spirit, and The Shadow.
Leslie Iwerks, the granddaughter of Ub Iwerks, presented her documentary, The Pixar Story: To Infinity and Beyond.
We had to leave early though to stand in line for Superman Doomsday. The line was already ENORMOUS though and we couldn't get into the first screening. So, we waited in line for the second screening. The fighting scenes were really cool- very brutal! Plus, the character design of Clark Kent/Superman was REALLY annoying us!! He looked too weak, old, and worn out.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

love the sups pic. And how was the Pixar film? I want details!DETAILS!!
lol. just kidding. what is the doomsday story? I've not read it!

ps. postcard? i'm in Poland and will be in Italy. Lemme know.


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