Sunday, August 05, 2007

Comic-Con- part 6 (end)

Sunday, July 29th-

Sunday was our last day to run around San Diego- but, oh NO!!! We realized we hadn't really seen much of California yet cuz we were geeking out at Comic-Con! So we went to Balaboa Park for a few hours. It wasn't nearly the amount of time we needed, so we ran around gawked at things and took photos of anything remotly interesting, wondering why the camera kept dying... Here are some of the results:

Soon after we entered the park, we heard music drifting through the trees, beckoning the tourists to it's source.
It turned out it was a soft-spoken British woman playing a GIANT organ.

After playing a few songs, she played one from Star Wars! It was cool! We were back to geeking out. I'd post the video here, but I don't want to violate any copywrite laws. ;)

Then, we headed back to the convention center for another hour and we were all kicked out when Comic-Con officially closed Sunday night. I felt like the paparatzi with my camera tying to get any last shots of interesting costumes coming out. Didn't see too many, but I managed to get this:
A whole group us us from Chicago went out to supper one last time in beautiful California. Catherine & I had to sneak back into the bed & breakfast with our key that night. (actually, we had to do that every night.)
Well, that ends my nerdy Comic-Con blogging. (We flew back home Monday.) Sorry to bore you with all these pictures. Can't wait to go back next year! Let's hope! ^.^


Seraya Fulton said...

They weren't boring at all. They got me interested in trying to go next year! Thanks!!!

Patach said...

Same here! I've only been to San Diego once, it'd be nice to go again for Comic Con.


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