Saturday, December 01, 2018

Etsy Christmas Sale 2018

We're kicking off December with a sale! 
Use this coupon code for 20% off our etsy store: Satrun Twins Art Shop

Monday, November 19, 2018

March 2019 Comic Cons

Artist Alley, here we come!
Looks like March is going to be super busy for us next year!

Tuesday, October 09, 2018

Profile, Sketch

What can I say? I love drawing people, especially women, in profile views. 
The lines are so fun to draw!

Mermaid Ink Sketch

Opps! Forgot to post this one a few weeks ago.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Newest Animation Reel!

Sarah Satrun's Animation Reel 2018 from Satrun Twins on Vimeo.

Here's my animation reel that includes the newest Lucky Charms unicorn commercial! Most of our work the past few years have been under non-disclosure agreements, so it's great to finally be able to share an updated animation reel! (Other jobs include corporate videos, which are highly confidential.)

Animation is a collaborative effort, so here is a list of exactly what I did for each shot. Unless otherwise noted, I created the character animation on these and others did the compositing and effects.

Shot List:

1. My Little Pony Twilight Sparkle: Animated in Toon Boom Harmony. 
2. Ugly Mutt: Animated in Flash
3. Nick Hurdle: Rotoscope animation animated off live action in Toon Boom Harmony
4. Middle School: The Worst Years of My Life: Assistant animation in Photoshop
5. Nick Hurdle: Rotoscope animation animated off live action in Toon Boom Harmony
6. Trix kid: Animated on paper
7. Smart Max guy sequence: Animated in Toon Boom Harmony
8. Fly Away: Animated in After Effects
9. Personal animation: Animated in Toon Boom Harmony
10. Corporate animation: Animated in Toon Boom Harmony
11. The Awesomes: Animated in Toon Boom Harmony
12. Ugly Mutt: animated in Flash
13. Chicken animation: Animated in Photoshop
14. Corporate animation: Animated in Toon Boom Harmony
15. Nick Skate: Rotoscope animation animated off live action in Toon Boom Harmony
16. Nick Hurdle: Rotoscope animation animated off live action in Toon Boom Harmony
17. Kid Cuisine: Traditionally animated and colored in Harmony, layouts to final with another animator. Assistants helped with final lines
18. Lucky Charms: Unicorn: Traditionally animated, cleaned up, and colored the unicorn in Harmony. Two assistants helped with the final lines. Catherine animated Lucky, and I helped on some of his cleanup.

I also updated my bio and thought I would share here:

Sarah Satrun is a Chicagoland illustrator and animator who specializes in hand drawn and digital 2D animation with thirteen years experience working for a variety of studios and clients, bringing ideas to life. Some of the animation projects include the intro to Middle School: Worst Years of my Life, Sesame Studio’s The New Neighbors, Seth Meyer’s The Awesomes, a Celtic concert, Mearra~ Selkie from the Sea, which aired across the country on PBS, and commercials such as Lucky Charms, Trix, and My Little Pony. She has also contributed sequential art for comics Aw Yeah Comics issue #12, Ladies Night Anthology: Sisters, and most recently Ed Siemienkowicz‘s graphic memoir, Fucking 40.

Outside of animation, Sarah enjoys creating heartwarming artwork that is often described as empowering, whimsical, and appealing. She travels to different comic cons across the Midwest and beyond where she and her twin sister are known as “The Satrun Twins.” 
Her skills include communicating well with other team members, hitting tight deadlines, prioritizing workloads, working quickly between different art and animation programs, and most importantly, keeping clients happy. Whether working independently or in a team, Sarah brings passion and energy to each job, and is always looking for the newest challenge. 

Lucky Charms Unicorn Commercials!

Catherine and I worked on the newest Lucky Charms commercial. It felt SO GREAT to go back to hand drawn animation! So many talented artists worked on this in a tight schedule. Viewers typically have no idea how much time and talent goes into these commercials! Hopefully we'll get to do more hand drawn commercials this upcoming year.

On this first one, we worked on cleanup on the last scene as well as helping coworkers with any technical questions. The great thing about working at a small studio is that it's truly a team effort, and everyone helps each other out!

On this one, Catherine and I animated Lucky and the unicorn. Two coworkers helped on the final lines:

Friday, September 14, 2018

New Animation Reel! 2018

Sarah Satrun: Animation Reel August 2018

Animation is a collaborative effort, so here is a list of exactly what I did for each shot. Unless otherwise noted, I created the character animation on these and others did the compositing and effects.

Shot List:

1. My Little Pony Twilight Sparkle: Animated in Toon Boom Harmony.

2. Ugly Mutt: Animated in Flash

3. Nick Hurdle: Rotoscope animation animated off live action in Toon Boom Harmony

4. Middle School: The Worst Years of My Life: Assistant animation in Photoshop

5. Nick Hurdle: Rotoscope animation animated off live action in Toon Boom Harmony

6. Trix kid: Animated on paper

7. Smart Max guy sequence: Animated in Toon Boom Harmony

8. Fly Away: Animated in After Effects

9. Personal animation: Animated in Toon Boom Harmony

10. Corporate animation: Animated in Toon Boom Harmony

11. The Awesomes: Animated in Toon Boom Harmony

12. Ugly Mutt: animated in Flash

13. Chicken animation: Animated in Photoshop

14. Corporate animation: Animated in Toon Boom Harmony

15. Nick Skate: Rotoscope animation animated off live action in Toon Boom Harmony

16. Nick Hurdle: Rotoscope animation animated off live action in Toon Boom Harmony

17. Kid Cuisine: Traditionally animated and colored in Harmony, layouts to final with another animator. Assistants helped with final lines

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Tuesday, September 04, 2018

Rose Fairies

Here's the most recent addition to our photo series! Photos by our sister, Megan Smith, and illustration and photo editing by Catherine and Sarah Satrun.

Here are the others in the series:

Available on Etsy: Satrun Twins' Art Shop

Thursday, August 30, 2018


Landscapes, especially trees, are not my strong suit, but I decided to give it a try. 
It's always good to try to branch out!

Wednesday, August 01, 2018

Friday, July 20, 2018

Baby Deer

We have two baby deer that have been hanging around our yard every day since they were born, and they will sleep under or walk right up to our windows. It's so fun to watch, and I have been wanting to draw them for a month or so now!

Monday, July 02, 2018

Summer Sale!

Etsy summer sale!!!!

Save 20% off with this coupon code through Sunday, July 8th.

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Deryn's Doings

Here's a fun animation Catherine and I just completed for a client. They were cute characters to work with, and it's always great to work with someone so enthusiastic about her characters. Check it out! Like and subscribe to Deryn's Doings if you'd like to see more. :)

Thursday, May 31, 2018

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Joliet Area Historical Museum

Catherine and I created an illustration for the Joliet Area Historical Museum, and dropped off the prints, postcards, and magnets today! It's a really interesting museum for the Joliet area. If you haven't gone, you should really check it out! 😎😎

Friday, March 30, 2018

C2E2 2018

C2E2 is only one week from today! Catherine and I will be selling comics, prints, and buttons in artist alley at table O6. If you're going, please come on over and say hi!

For those who aren't in the area, we sell our art online at:

Etsy: SatrunTwinsArtShop

Society6: SatrunTwins

Threadless: SatrunTwins

Monday, March 05, 2018

F-40 Comic Pages

We are proud to be part of the 100+ artists working on Ed Siemienkowicz's graphic novel. “Fucking 40 is a graphic novel written by Ed Siemienkowicz. Ed wrote all 246 pages of ‘Fucking Forty’ panel-for-panel after being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, but it’s not about cancer. It covers his 40th self-described “Worst year of my life”.” Unfortunately, Ed passed away before finishing his novel, and the comic community came together to complete it. Keep an eye out for the upcoming Kickstarter. We will be sure to share it here.
For more info, please visit the Facebook page-


  "When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, "Look for the helpers. You will always fi...