Tuesday, November 01, 2022



What a great Halloween surprise! 
FAE AND THE MOON is now available for preorder! It's wonderfully written by Franco  and illustrated by Catherine and me. Published through Charlie Ilguanas at Little Bee Books/Yellow Jacket. Big thanks to Marie Lamba at Jennifer De Chiara Literary Agency for making this happen! 


Thursday, September 22, 2022


Happy Fall! This is my kind of weather! We went from summer weather yesterday to fall weather today, and I am loving it! 🍂🍃🍂🍃🍂🧣🎃

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Thursday, April 07, 2022

Warm Up Drawing, April 7th

Warm up drawing. I need to do more of these! 
We've been buried in animation jobs and a graphic novel, 
so have been lacking on posting new artwork for a while!


Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Spring is here!


As spring weather is slowly creeping in, our cats are thoroughly enjoying watching the chipmunks outside our studio windows (Thankfully, we don't let them outside!) Love having the windows open today!

Tuesday, March 08, 2022

International Women's Day 2022

Happy International Women's Day! 

Catherine and I drew this a long time ago, but it's still a favorite and worth sharing on this special day!


Tuesday, February 22, 2022


Catherine and I are so excited to announce that we now have a literary agent! Marie Lamba at The Jennifer De Chiara Literary Agency will be representing us for our published work. We’re making great progress on our first graphic novel, FAE AND THE MOON, written by Franco, and being published by Little Bee Books. Marie made that project possible and has been great throughout the process. We can’t wait to work on more projects in the future!

For book illustrations, publication questions, rights inquiries, or major media inquiries about Catherine and Sarah's books, please contact their literary agent:

Marie Lamba

The Jennifer De Chiara Literary Agency



Wednesday, February 02, 2022

Winter is here!

We're buried under snow here in the Midwest.
I hope everyone is keeping safe and warm out there!


Thursday, January 27, 2022

Procreate Drawing, Woman

I'm back! After a long hiatus, I hope to do some more drawing for fun and remember to post on here. We've been wrapped up in some fun projects which we can't wait to share! The biggest one is a graphic novel that we're in the middle of at the moment. If all goes as planned, we'll finish in June and it will be published Spring 2023. More on that as we get closer. ;)



  "When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, "Look for the helpers. You will always fi...