Wednesday, January 31, 2007



Bob Renzas said...

Noice! I like the effect of the guy beaming in.

Jasmin said...

I really like the style of this drawing, very clean and detailed. Nice job :)

Unknown said...

I really like this one!

Darryl Young said...

Excellent job!!
....somebody wants to go to England ...?

Rima said...

Hi, Sarah - I absolutely love this teleporting piece. It's really fun and witty, and your lines are impeccable. Would you tell us what medium(s) you used for this one? I've subscribed to your blog, so I'll be looking forward to seeing your new work (and an answer to my question please and thank you?)
Love your style - teleporting made my morning

Sarah Satrun said...

Rima, thanks for your generous comments. Actually, I used Photoshop for this. ;)


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