Monday, February 25, 2008

Even More Character Sketches ;)

Here are some more designs. And here's the clip I want to animate-
I already have it all thumnailed out- just need to pick a character design. ;)
Any thoughts?


Unknown said...

nice character sketches. I've got to check out the 11sec. thing at home. No speakers here...

Todd Harris said...

great job on these characters. really nice work.

Patach said...

Will you be doing the skit paper drawn or some other way?

Sarah Satrun said...

Originally I was looking for a project to do in Flash, but with character acting and dialogue, I prefer hand drawn. :)

Patach said...

Don't worry, I won't hold it again you. :)

And I think the first character design would fit perfectly for the clip, he seems so humble.

Patach said...

Correction: I won't hold it AGAINST you.

Proofread, THEN post. All this online stuff is SO complicated :(


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