Monday, September 17, 2007

Midnight Escape

Well, I did this as a sketch over a week ago and finally got around to PhotoShopping it. I'm calling it done for now. (haven't had time to tweak anything yet) I won't have time to revisit it for a week or so. So, if anyone has any critiques, please feel free to share them. ^,^

On another note, Catherine just realized that we've had our blogs for exactly a year now (on our half birthday!)
*Update- 10-5-07: I tweaked that foot. ;)


Amada Rosas said...

WOW she looks very determined. Looks really nice too.

ohmyalikins said...

all your illos are super cool! love this one! :)
and your avatar is too cute!

RoB said...

Great pose! So Dynamic, you can totally feel the force~ Awesome post. Happy 1/2 Birthday and Congrats on having your blog up up for a year!~


Jav said...

Wow Sarah!
This is awesome, i love it...
I think i love the simple fluidity most... the eyes are cool too. great color choices as well... everything works nicely.
Maybe a little work on the shape of her foot because it looks a little bit like a hoof...
But very nice! One of my favorites for sure!

Kanishka. Muthuthanthri said...

Very Nice work Sarah :o)

I like your blue pencil work as well

Congrats on the one year Anniversary

Rock on

Sarah Satrun said...

Thanks for the kind comments. I was purposely trying to draw a comparison between her design and the unicorn. Though, I did fix her foot. Hope it looks better!

Ciaran said...

thats real cool know any good websites for photoshop/illustrator tutorials? thansk


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