Thursday, October 04, 2007

Random Sketches

Whew! Catherine and I just finished some large back-to-back freelance projects yesterday and are really happy to have a little break! At first I thought I’d really have to give my hand a break from drawing for a day, but couldn’t. I just had to draw for myself.


Bob Renzas said...

What did you work on?

Sarah Satrun said...

Hi Bob! :) We did a bunch of character designs and storyboards for someone who's going to MipCon to pitch different ideas. Then we did a full page comic for someone which will be publised in a magazine this November.

Anonymous said...

Really nice sketches! It seems like the more you draw the more you NEED to draw :)

Caitlin Lehman said...

the sketches in the bottom page are GREAT :D

Amada Rosas said...

Wow, I really like the middle one. Are you going to color any of them?

Sarah Satrun said...

Um, I might color the middle one. I'm not sure I really care for it too much though... I do plan on coloring the bubble lady eventually. ;)


  "When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, "Look for the helpers. You will always fi...