Sunday, March 25, 2012

Sunday Morning Figure Drawing


Unknown said...

these are great!

Sarah Satrun said...

thanks! :)

Unknown said...

Here's a tip ... work slower, this way, especially in the reclining nude, you'll be better able to solve the forshortened limbs and areas that peeps shy away from like hands and feet (btw, this is just my advice and you can ignore it if you want)

Sarah Satrun said...

Yes, good advice! I always block it in either too quickly or spend too much time in one area. Most poses are only 5-7 min. We only get one 20 minute pose if I remember correctly.

Sarah Satrun said...

I'm going to try to start going once a week starting in May. He's closing the studio this year. I went last week but haven't had time for figure drawing since October!


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