Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Glen Keane, one of my major inspirations

For anyone who has missed the big news a few weeks ago, Glen Keane has resigned from Disney. (Click here to read the Cartoon Brew article.) In his resignation letter, he wrote, "I am convinced that animation really is the ultimate art form of our time with endless new territories to explore. I can't resist it's siren call to step out and discover them."

Many fans have been acting like he died or something, but I find this VERY exciting and can not wait to see what he does with the art form next! He is a big inspiration of mine. My sister and I had the pleasure to meet and chat with him a few years ago at Comic-Con. He is as kind as he is talented, and I'm sure he will continue to amaze us all as he takes this art form to the next level.

A Disney fan quickly cut this tribute video together to honor his long career at Disney. I want to share it with you not only for the beautiful animation, but mainly for the quotes regarding animation as an art form. Though, the music is a bit too sad as if it's a memorial video. He is NOT dead, just moving on to higher and better things. ;)

To hear more of his thoughts on animation as an art form, please listen to this GREAT Animation Podcast interview: http://animationpodcast.com/glen-keane-part-one/


Sorry about the lack of posts lately. I've been really swamped with work. Expect more drawings in May. For now, I might share more of these kind of posts. ;)

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