I don't have any new sketches to share for Valentine's Day, so I figured I would share a pinup photo I did at the end of the summer. I guess it's blog worthy. ;) There are plenty more, but this one is my fav. :) I've never had the opportunity to celebrate this "holiday," but for those of you who do, Happy Valentine's Day! Feel blessed to have your sweet-heart and hold them tight! :)
Very nice picture. You look so beautiful!
Well I hope you have a great Valentine's day (spent the weekend with my gal, so it's been nice). Now, the day after Valentine is VERY special: That's when all that candy goes on sale!!!
Great pic, by the way!
va voom! I want to draw you now!
Hey...this is so cool, it's like you're in the 50's right now! Great colours too.
When the boys see this, I think you may have a few too many offers for the next holiday celebration of this kind!
OMG! are you?! I'm in love! really!..I love the pinup art, this pic is great! I would even draw a picture from this photo, but its beauty is unbeatable!
Congrats Sarah!
WOW. Smokin.
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