Sunday, February 13, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

I don't have any new sketches to share for Valentine's Day, so I figured I would share a pinup photo I did at the end of the summer. I guess it's blog worthy. ;) There are plenty more, but this one is my fav. :) I've never had the opportunity to celebrate this "holiday," but for those of you who do, Happy Valentine's Day! Feel blessed to have your sweet-heart and hold them tight! :)


Anonymous said...

Very nice picture. You look so beautiful!

Robolly said...

Well I hope you have a great Valentine's day (spent the weekend with my gal, so it's been nice). Now, the day after Valentine is VERY special: That's when all that candy goes on sale!!!

Great pic, by the way!


Stephanie Bourbon: Writer, artist, actress, creative consultant said...

va voom! I want to draw you now!

Adam said...

Hey...this is so cool, it's like you're in the 50's right now! Great colours too.

When the boys see this, I think you may have a few too many offers for the next holiday celebration of this kind!

Be Creative Books said...

OMG! are you?! I'm in love! really!..I love the pinup art, this pic is great! I would even draw a picture from this photo, but its beauty is unbeatable!

Congrats Sarah!

Anonymous said...

WOW. Smokin.


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