Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Vixen: Another Pin-Up Shirt Design

Here's my second Threadless submission for the pinup contest. :) I like this a lot more than the mermaid one. It usually only takes me one day to not like a drawing anymore. Funny how that goes. The top sketch is the original FAST sketch for the shirt. I usually love these quick 1-2 minute sketches more than the final artwork.

On another note, I am surprised how the voting is going on Threadless. It really is a popularity contest. If your design gets really low scores, it can get thrown right out. So supposedly people seem to be voting really low- like 1 and 0 on other people's designs. Wow. That's just so mean. :( I'll keep trying to submit, but if that's the way people play, I probably won't be at it for too long.

Vixen - Threadless T-shirts, Nude No More

Also, please be sure to vote for Catherine's design as well! :)

8-Bit Love - Threadless T-shirts, Nude No More

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