Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Comic-Con '08- part 7: Goodbye California!

Tuesday, July 29th:

Tuesday we got up, went for one last dip in the hotel swimming pool and jacuzzi. Then as we were all packing up and getting ready to check out of the hotel, an earthquake hit!!!! But, we didn't know it was an earthquake. I just thought it was the guys banging on our door. But then when I looked at Catherine and saw the hangers behind her moving, I wasn't so sure. Sure enough, our sister calls to say an earthquake had just hit LA one minute ago! Wow! Cool! Us Midwesterners don't usually get to experience earthquakes, so we all thought it was cool. Soon everyone was on their phones talking about "the big earthquake!"
After we checked out of the hotel, we had a bit of time to kill in San Diego before heading off to the airport:

Normally, I would have added lots of little illustrations/comics telling more stories from the trip, but I've been sick- I just can't muster up any good drawings right now. Please check back soon for new drawings in a few days! I should get the blog rolling again soon!

1 comment:

Larry Levine said...

Hi Sarah, The Comic Con pics are awesome--you got to meet all my heroes.

I like your blog, your artwork is incredible!!!


  "When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, "Look for the helpers. You will always fi...